Monday, August 5, 2013

Helo's First Month

Here is picture overload. But our blog book is the only way I print pictures! Helo has become the neighborhood dog. One of our neighbors was over the other day and said "It's pretty obvious y'all don't have kids with how many pictures you take of that dog!" Guilty. I take too many. But I love him! And I love my camera.

Here is Helo at 8 weeks, after one full week in his new home.
Goofy pup!
Steve is so obsessed with him. It is fun to watch the two of them play together.
Helo caught onto potty training really fast (crate train your dog!!). Within one week, he got use to going to the door and going back to our door to go inside. This isn't to say he didn't have accidents in the house, but it wasn't as bad as I thought.
Labs and Golden Retrievers both love water. Steve decided he wanted to put him in the bath to see if he loved the water. He did not. He whined the entire time, and tried to climb out of the tub.
We took Helo to the vet, and our vet told us to go ahead and start walking him. Here is Helo on his first walk!
Helo at 9 weeks! Little fur ball.
He loves tight spots (like every dog!) This is where he likes to nap when he is not in his crate.
I really hate dogs licking my face. But I read it helps the puppy bond to his owner, so I try to suck it up.
He LOVES sticks!
Helo at 10 weeks. What a difference two weeks makes!
He is so good at knowing his area. He stops right at the curb because he knows he is not allowed in the street.
Getting big!
Helo is so easy to train. One of the reasons we picked this breed. He was sleeping through the night within two weeks. He stopped having accidents after a month. He knows how to sit, stay (somewhat), and lie down (somewhat). He is the best little puppy!

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