Sunday, June 26, 2011

My last night as Stephanie Bell

I know this may come as a huge surprise... but I cant sleep! Tomorrow is my wedding and I am so full of emotions. I figure writing everything out might help put my mind to rest so I might be able to sleep a little tonight. This might be a long, boring post, but it will be a good journal of my feelings and I'm sure I will be glad one day that I wrote it all down.

I first would like to start with this overwhelming feeling of gratitude that I have right now. Words cant even describe how grateful I am for everyone's help. My dad has been seriously spending every free second he has had the last month getting the yard ready and perfect for my big day. My mom has been so willing to help and full of love and excitement for me. I was thinking today about everything I need to be sure to do tomorrow and realized that my sister Shannon seriously is taking care of everything and making sure things are getting done. My sister Lindsay helped throw me a fabulous shower and has been so good to vent to and laugh with. My sister Dana has been great at keeping my entertained in Cedar City when all I wanted to do was go home to do wedding stuff. She always so such a great help with moving and getting rid of all of my stuff. I honestly have the most amazing family and I am so grateful for everything they have done.

I am also feeling so heartbroken over people who cant be at the wedding. My extremely intelligent sister Dianna is off being brilliant in Africa and cant be here for my big day. There has been a huge hole this whole weekend without her here. I cant even describe how much I miss her and how much I want her there tomorrow.

I am also very sad that Steve's brother Rick and his wife Holly wont be there. Rick is starting his rotations and is moving this week. Steve is so close to his brothers and I know how much he wishes they could both be here. They have been so supportive and helpful and I wish more than anything that they could be here to celebrate with us.

Tonight while I was making the long drive home from Tooele I was thinking of my loved ones who are no longer with us and who I will miss tomorrow. It is moments like this that make miss my sister Laura so so much. It breaks my heart that she isn't here for big life events such as this. Steve's mother passed away when Steve was just barely one. She will of course be missed tomorrow and I hope she knows what an amazing man her son has become. My best friend and mentor from High School Syd Riggs will be missed as well. I can just imagine telling her about Steve and hearing her reaction. I know that she would have loved him.

Now I must express my unexplainable excitement I am feeling. I am so excited to be Steves wife. I cant even explain the massive amounts of support and love he has given me since we started planning this wedding. I dont even have to tell him what is bothering me or stressing me out, he can just tell. He has been so kind and patient with me and is the only one who has been able to completely calm me down. He is the most wonderful man I have ever met and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I am so excited to start our life together.

I keep thinking back on all the times I have been mistreated and hurt. I keep thinking of all the times I would cry and complain that I just wanted a good guy who loves me. I would sit and listen to my sisters and friends tell me that he was out there and it would all work out someday and that all the hard times would somehow seem worth it. And they were right! I finally get my happy ending and I could not be happier.

Well... this has helped. I hope now I can clear my mind and get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be such a wonderful day and I cant wait for my new life to begin!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

License to wed

On Monday Steve and I went and got our marriage license. We spent the morning calling parents to find out birth places, making sure we had IDs, making sure we had proof of residence, just making sure we had all of the items listed on the county web site that are required to obtain a marriage license.

We then made the exciting journey to Parowan to visit the Iron County Courthouse. We got there and the lady working was a tad on the weird side. She told us they only do marriage licenses on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Turns out she was joking (not a funny joke to play on a stressed bride who is working full time, planning a wedding in one month, and planning a move across the country). Steve then said he needed to run out to get his photo ID from his car. The lady looked at him like he was crazy and said "Im not going to ask you for that". Good thing we spent the morning preparing when we really didnt need to prove anything!
After about five minutes of answering questions and $50 later... we got our marriage license.

One cool thing that we learned while calling our parents to find out the city and states they were born in (which you only need to know the state) is it turns out that my mom and Steve's mom were both born in Pocatello, ID! Pretty cool.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Burning of the Bachelor

Last night was yet another wonderful night for me. When I first met Steve there was one item of concern- his bed spread. The first time I saw his bed I thought "Oh boy, this guy is such a bachelor". His entire bed was covered with zebra print. Bed skirt, bed spread, throw pillows... the works. I called him on it right away and he insisted that it looked different on line when he ordered it... sure.

As a mere girlfriend I felt I had no right to tell him to ditch the bachelor set up. After he asked me to move to Tennessee I insisted that we get rid of the bedding and that it didnt move with us to Tennessee.

So last night Steve came up with the brilliant idea that we burn the blanket. To me it felt like he was officially letting go of his bachelor ways.

 Steve saying a few words before the burning began.

It took awhile to get the fire really going

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Proposal

Steve brought it to my attention that I never mentioned HOW he proposed. I cant believe I didn't think to document such an important story... so here it is!

As previously mentioned, we waited forever for the ring to get here. The ring was expected to arrive last Tuesday (May 31st). I wanted to stay at home all day waiting for the package but there were too many things we had to do so my plan of sitting in Steve's apartment all day waiting wasn't a reality.

I had to work that Tuesday night and Steve brought me dinner. He was telling me about his day and said "Oh! UPS tried to deliver the ring but I saw the delivery notice too late so I will have to go pick it up" I died a little inside.

That night Steve came to pick me up from work. I get off work at 11 and we are both usually exhausted. I was especially exhausted this night. I told Steve I was tired and just wanted to go to bed. He grabbed my hand and said "Can we just kick it for awhile?" I found this a little weird because usually we go right to bed and the term "kick it" is usually something he says to his guy friends. I told him we could and asked what he wanted to do. He said he didn't know but he didn't want to go to bed.

So off we went to his apartment. We walked in and I went straight to his room to put on some sweats. I came out to the living room and Steve was watching TV. I started walking towards the couch and Steve stood up and turned off the TV. I asked him what he wanted to do and he said "Come here, I want to show you something"

We walked out into his hallway and he opened up the door that goes to his roof (He lives on top of H&R Block in Cedar) I went to see what he wanted to show me and I looked behind the door. The stairs leading to the roof was covered in rose petals and lined with white lights. He told me to go see what was on the roof. I ran up and there was a blanket and more petals and lights.

It was the most perfect night. One of the warmer nights we have had this year and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I went and sat on the blanket and waited for Steve to come up. He came up and asked me what was sitting next to me. I looked and there was a box. I opened it and there was another box... then there was an empty box. I looked at him and he came over and got on one knee. Me being the awkward person that I am knelled down with him (it felt weird to have him on one knee!) Then he told me how much he loves me, pulled out the ring, and asked if I would marry him. My answer.. .YES!! We then laid on the roof and looked at the stars.

It was beyond perfect. I could not be happier. I'm so happy I only have to wait four weeks to get married, I dont know how people handle long engagements.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Bling Bling

After weeks of trying to find a ring, Steve and I both finally decided on one. He ordered it and I was so excited! Then he informed me that since it was somewhat custom made that it would take three weeks to get here. Ugh. I just wanted to be engaged already!

FINALLY he got the ring last Tuesday. Steve proposed and put the ring on my finger and there was a slight problem... the ring was too big. We took it into a jeweler and they said it would cost $140 to size. They also sized the ring as being a size 6.5... Steve ordered a 6.25. So after a frustrating call to the Jeweler, we decided to send the ring back so they can resize it for free. So after just two days with my ring I had to send it back... and it wont be done till June 17th. My finger already feels naked without it!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 27th 2011

Steve and I are getting married on June 27th, 2011.... that's right... in four weeks.

Now let me explain our decision to have a four week engagement.

As previously mentioned, Steve has been accepted to medical school in Tennessee. His classes start the end of July so we want to move out there a few weeks before he starts school so we can get settled in.

When Steve and I first began discussing marriage we were thinking of getting married next summer. This was our plan and then one day Steve suggested we get married before we moved to Tennessee. I thought he was crazy...and joking. Turns out he was serious and after talking to family and friends I began to see his point of view on the benefits of being married vs. living together.

After talking about it for about a week I had a conversation with my future sister in law Holly. Her husband (Steve's brother Rick) is in medical school and just finished his first two years. Holly and I talked for awhile about the obvious benefits of marriage (financial and security) but I still wasn't sold on the whole idea. Than I expressed that I felt like being his wife would make his busy school and study schedule somewhat easier because we have already made the commitment of marriage. Holly than informed me that I will go weeks without seeing Steve and she told me that she truly believes that being married would make the unbearable situation somewhat bearable. After our conversation I was sold and felt like getting married before we move to Tennessee is the right thing to do.

The one downfall of throwing a wedding together within a month is the fact that I cant have my dream wedding. So Steve and I have decided to have a very small, very private ceremony this June and then next June we will renew our vows and have a big celebration with hopefully ALL our friends and family.

One of the hardest parts of planning this wedding so fast is that not everyone can make it. My sister Dianna left for Africa a month ago and it breaks my heart that she wont be at my wedding. We will also miss Steve's brother Rick and his wife Holly who are moving the week we are getting married and unable to come on such short notice.

Another hard part of this discussion is not being about to invite everyone I want to. I have so many close, amazing friends. But due to a tight budget and wanting to keep our wedding very small and simple, we are unable to invite everyone. I just want all my friends to know that even though I cant have you there on my wedding day, I will be thinking and missing each and every one of you. I honestly have the most amazing friends a girl could have. I appreciate you all for putting up with me and my insecurities and standing by me no matter what.

Even though this isn't exactly what I had planned I am still so happy. I told Steve I want a marriage, not a wedding and I really do feel that way. I am so excited to make this life long commitment with him and I cannot express my appreciation for everyone helping us pull this together on such short notice. I love you all!

Soon to be Mr. Steve and Stephanie Jones

Last night (May 31st 2011) Steve FINALLY asked me to be his wife!! It was the most beautiful, exciting thing that has ever happened to me. I feel like the luckiest girl alive and cannot wait to finally be able to start our lifes together.

Now I just spent the last half hour typing a novel about how Steve and I met and all our history... about half way through I got extremely bored and decided to summarize our story, just to give those who dont know some back round.

Steve and I met on February 22nd 2010. We were set up on a blind date by our friend Janet LeBaron. Within a week we were inseparable and within a month we were boyfriend and girlfriend. Just like every relationship we have had our ups and downs. We are both far from perfect. But we make it work and at the end of the day I am so glad things have worked out the way they have.

The story of our proposal is a long one as well that I will try to summarize. Steve was accepted to medical school March of this year. He was accepted to Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate,TN. This raising the question of what to do with our relationship. After months of me trying to be patient while Steve decided what would be best for him... he finally realized how amazing I am and decided that we should get married.

Thus bringing us to today! The day after Steve proposed. Now I am not one for announcing to the world how in love I am. But I figure that since its the day after I got engaged that I am allowed to express my feelings.

I truly feel like the luckiest girl in the entire world. I love Steve more than I ever thought possible. I have been through so much and treated so poorly. I have been used and unappreciated. I finally feel like I have my happy ending and finally feel like all the stuff I have been through in my life has been worth it because it all brought me to Steve. I love you, Steve, and cannot wait to be your wife!