Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Finals Hike

I have successfully finished yet another eighteen credit semester! Only ONE MORE and then graduation! I did a much better job at keeping my stress level to a minimum this semester. The biggest help was allowing myself to take breaks and not stress during those breaks.

During my finals week, I began feeling stressed. I decided we needed to go hiking one afternoon in order to recharge my batteries. We wanted to hike up to the sand cave in Virginia (a hike we have never done before) but apparently it is a way longer hike than we thought. So we ended up only hiking a couple of miles and then turning around.

We invited Kevin to come along and about ten minutes into the hike he and Steve started talking politics. My absolute least favorite subject. So I walked ahead and took some pictures! And daydreamed about graduating and getting my fancy camera.
 Although I miss all the pretty, green leafs, I love looking at all the twists  and designs the branches make.
It was a great hike! Just the break I needed to finish the semester strong.

Thanksgiving and Family Pictures

We spent Thanksgiving with Steve's family again this year. Chad, Sarah, and the kids came to Tennessee. Rick, Holly, and the kids came up from Morristown for most of the week too. It was lots of fun having every one there.

Thanksgiving was delicious! It was a very busy day, and I somehow forgot to take any pictures! Steve got to play and watch football with his brother's, so he was a happy man.

While Chad and Sarah were in town, we had family pictures taken.
 I sure love my handsome husband
 I love this picture of Kevin and the grandsons
 Handsome Jones boys
 It was absolutely freezing! Which was unfortunate because all the days before and everyday after was lovely weather. The kids were not thrilled about being in the cold, so we didn't really get a good picture of the kids. Oh well! They are still super cute.
I didn't take any other pictures during the week! So unlike me, I'll try to do better next year. We had a fun week with everyone. I love the holidays!

My Dad's visit!

My dad has been telling me that he is going to come visit since we first moved out here. Well, in November, he finally did! It was so great to have him! We had such a great time.

 My Dad came the week before Thanksgiving. Since he wasn't able to be there for Thanksgiving, we decided to have a fake Thanksgiving. It was so much fun cooking all day with my dad!
 Delicious! And now I know how to make an entire Thanksgiving meal!
 My dad and me
 And for dessert... I made my very first homemade pies! I made a pecan and chocolate pie.
 I convinced my Dad that there isn't much to do in Harrogate and maybe it would be best for us to go out of town for the weekend. This worked out well because Steve had a big test on Monday.

So on Saturday we woke up, went to Steve's football game (where my dad happily volunteered to be a ref because he is so kind and so awesome) and then we headed down to Chattanooga! One of my favorite cities.

Once we got to Chattanooga, we went straight to the Walnut Street Bridge and walked around.
 Chattanooga still had some beautiful fall colors!
 My handsome Dad!
 Walnut Street Bridge
 I have been to Chattanooga several times, but this was the first time that I realized you can actually go on the Queen Mary (the big boat in the water). We had fun walking around the boat.
 We then walked over to the Art Museum. Sadly, it was closed.

My dad on the glass bridge that I absolutely hate.
 View from the Art Mesuem
 Then we went to Ruby Fall's! We had fun, but my dad agreed that it is a tad over produced.
 The next morning we went down to the Art District for breakfast. We ate at a cute, little coffee shop and then went walking around. I just love this city!
 Oh, to live in one of those houses....
 After our walk, we headed to the Smoky Mountain National Park to do some hiking. We hiked the Chimney Tops. It was a great hike.
 I wish my dad could have seen more fall colors, but it was still really pretty.
 These pictures REALLY do not do it justice. The last part of this hike is a straight up rock climb to the top. My dad and I are both afraid of heights, so I am still proud of us for making it!
 View from the top, worth the scary climb!
 My dad scaling up the mountain
 The climb down. Again, you can't really tell from these pictures just how steep the climb was.
 I still love the scenery in the winter!
 Crazy roots
 After the hike, we drove back to Harrogate.

The next morning we went and hiked the Pinnacle and Tri State.
 My dad and Harrogate!
 In Kentucky and Virginia!
 At the Tri State! Three states at once! Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee!
I really had the best time with my Dad. It was so great having him here. I realize I am bias, but I really think I have the best dad in the entire world! Love you, Dad! Thanks again for visiting!

Sunday Hike

I am so behind on our blog! These pictures are from October. School kept me so busy.

Anyways! Back in October, we took an afternoon off to go hiking. We hiked the Pinnacle and the Tri State which we have hiked plenty of times, but never in the fall. It was so beautiful and just what I needed that afternoon.
 I love that this is ten minutes from our house!
 Steve in a tree
 Fall overlook of Harrogate
 Steve kept trying to get me to run up this thing. I finally was able to!
 I really love this picture. Life really is so precious and so beautiful.
Such a fun day. I love when we get to go on little afternoon adventures!