Sunday, March 25, 2012

School update and blog disclaimer

I realize that it is pretty pathetic that I just barely posted about New Years today (March 25th), but I can't even explain how busy this semester has been.

I am currently doing online school through Utah State University. I am on track to graduate next summer. I can't wait! When I was mapping out my graduation, there was no way of getting around this semester being a really terrible semester. I am taking 16 credit hours, all on line. This has been the hardest semester of my college career, and I have done 16 credit before. I am taking math, two upper division classes outside my major (a USU requirement), and two classes in my major. I have been so overwhelmed. I honestly do homework all day, everyday. Therefore, the blog has been last on my list. So I apologize to the three people who actually read this thing.

Somehow I have managed this semester. I only have a month left and still have A's in all my classes, well a B in math, but who counts that. Luckily after this semester the most credits I will have to take is 12 credits, although that does include two summer semesters.

Steve is doing extremely well this semester. It has definitely been a more demanding semester, but he has handled it well. He is still getting all A's and B's on his tests. He often gets above average scores on his test. I could not be more proud! He is such a hard working student and somehow still has time to be the best husband ever.

We are doing great and hope y'all are doing well too!

Atlanta Sisters Getaway

My big sister Dianna had been living in Africa for nine months. She got back in January. We decided to meet in Atlanta, which is almost exactly half way between our houses, for a fun sisters weekend. It was so wonderful to see her!

We ate a TON of amazing food. The first night we went to a place that appeared on Man Vs. Food. It was one of the best cheeseburgers I have ever had. After dinner we went to this fun, little tavern where they were playing Romeo and Juliet. The play was very well done and we had a great time.

The next day we went to get my tires rotated. I know this is a lame thing to do on vacation, but I had to take advantage of being in a big city. Luckily the place Dianna wanted to go to lunch was within walking distance of where I got my tires rotated. We went to Flip Burger. It was delicious!

We then decided to go to the Coke museum.
It was freezing! My coat was barely keeping me warm.
My dad, my brother-in-law Matt and I made a bet this year to not drink any carbonation this year. My only disclaimer was if I went to the Coke factory I wanted a coke. I got my coke and that was about the best part of the museum. It was pretty boring. Sorry for making you go, Di Di!

After the museum we went and got Ethiopian food for dinner. I was pretty nervous about it, but it was actually really delicious. We then went back to the hotel, Skyped with Shannon and the kiddos and then vegged out on cable the rest of the night.

On Sunday we went shopping and then went to this awesome little neighborhood and had the best burrito I have ever had. We then said our good byes and headed home.

I was such a fun weekend! I really look forward to our next sister weekend in just a couple of weeks!

Flat Adie

Back in february I got a package from my niece Adie. Included inside the package was a letter and a little paper doll. The letter explained that it was Adie's friend and I needed to show her around Tennessee. She said I needed to take pictures and send her and the pictures back to Adie. This really made my whole week.

Adie could not have come at a better time. She came just before we left for Chattanooga. I wanted to include some of the pictures because some of the Flat Adie pictures are the best pictures we took.

The fall was discovered on Adie's birthday!
These statues looked just like Flat Adie!
When we got back from Chattanooga I went to the grocery store and I thought how unique it was that we travel through three states to go to the grocery store. I decided to stop and take pictures of her at the state lines. I wasn't able to get a picture in Kentucky, but I got TN and Virginia.
I also took her up to the look out for an overview of Harrogate
Beautiful Harrogate


Way back at the beginning of February, Steve, his parents, and I decided we all really needed to get out of town. We decided to head south to Chattanooga, TN.

We began our weekend with going to Ruby Falls. Ruby Falls is the nations largest and deepest waterfall open to the public. It is located 1120 feet beneath the surface.

We began our adventure by going in an elevator that took us down 1120 feet. We then made our journey through the cave. Leo Lambert discovered the fall in 1928. He was exploring the cave and dug through the cave on his belly for 17 hours before he found the fall. On my claustrophobic!! This is what he was wedging his way through...
This is where he finally got to stand up
The cave was unlike any other cave I have been in before. The entire thing was lit. There were no bugs, bats, or creatures of any kind. I kept telling Steve I thought it was all a conspiracy. It just seemed unreal!
Cave formation
After walking through the cave we finally got to a dark room. The guide told us where to stand. Suddenly music started playing. The tour guide gave some big speech and then he presented RUBY FALLS!! All these bright lights came on, flashing around the falls. The whole thing was a little too produced for my liking, but the fall itself was spectacular.
Ruby Falls
They let you walk around the fall. The back of the fall looked like falling diamonds. So beautiful.
After the fall, we went downtown. We spilt up for lunch. Steve and I went and got sushi. It was some of the most delicious sushi I have ever had!

After lunch we went to a little shop that featured Moon Pies. Kevin kept telling us we had to go get Moon Pies. He insisted we go to this shop. As we walk in the shop he told us that they really aren't very good and he really doesn't like them. Oh well! It was a cute little shop. FYI- they really aren't that great.

Then we went to the Walnut Street Bridge. It is the longest pedestrian bridge in the world! It was so beautiful. It passes over the Tennessee River and takes you into the cutest little town.
After we walked across the bridge and back, we headed over to the art museum. To get to the art museum you have to cross a glass bridge. Steve, Kevin, and Cindy walked across it without thinking twice. I was scared for my life.
After we crossed that stupid bridge we decided not to go inside the museum. We walked around and looked at the statues outside and admired the mansion that is part of the museum.

This horse statue looked like it was made out of wood, but it was made out of metal. Pretty cool.
Cindy and I loved this mansion
Random picture of us in downtown Chattanooga. Cool brick couch.
The next day we had to hurry home for the Super Bowl. We stopped at the Chattanooga Choo Choo where the old train station use to be.

Inside one of the dining carts.
It was such a great weekend. Chattanooga is now one of my favorite places. I can't wait to go back!

Home from Utah

My sweet little niece, Isabelle, came in while I was packing to go home and told me she wanted to come to TN with me.
She almost fit!! It was so hard leaving this little cutie behind.

Adies Baptism

Another reason I extended my trip was to be there for my niece Adie's baptism. This was such an important day for her. She even told me her baptism was going to be on January 7th over a year ago! Talk about looking forward to something. I am glad I was there for her special day.

She was ear to ear smiles all day. She seemed so grown up! I can't believe she is eight. I feel like she was born just yesterday. I sure love my little niece!

Happy 60th Birthday, Dad!

After I booked our tickets to come home for Christmas, I called Shannon to inform her we would be taking over her house for a month. I told her we would be leaving on December 29th. She then said "Steph, you realize it is dad's 60th birthday on Jan 4th, right??" Oops!! For some reason I have thought that my dad has been 56 for the last four years. I immediately called the airline and changed my ticket so I could be there. I am so happy I did!

We took Dad up to Sundance for dinner. We had a nice, private room and a wonderful meal.

Paka's silly grandkids
Dad's beautiful AND delicious german chocolate cake
My dad is really the best dad in the whole world. He is such an inspiration to me. I mean, this man ran a marathon two months before his 60th birthday! He is a great example and such a strength to me. I know he is always there for me whenever I need him. I love you, Dad!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Happy New Year

Our first New Years was spent apart. Steve started school on January 2nd and I had something in Utah that I needed to stay for. Steve spent New Years in TN with Rick and Holly and some of their friends. He called me at midnight in TN and wished me a Happy New Year. I am sad we couldn't spend it together, but we will have plenty of New Years and I am glad I was in Utah for my Dad's birthday and Adie's baptism.

On New Years Eve, my dad, Dana, and I drove back from Montana where we had been visiting Lindsay. We got back to Shannon's house around nine. Dana and I decided to sit around feeling sorry for ourselves because we couldn't be with our husbands. We decided to bring in the new year by watching Kim Kardashians wedding. I was concerned that bringing in the New Year by watching a wedding with a marriage that only lasted for 72 days might be a bad omen. Dana assured me it wasn't.

At 11:59 we paused Kim's disaster of a wedding and waited for mid night. The clock struck 12 and we screamed Happy New Year at each other. I then did my annual head stand.

My best friends dad (Scott Dixon) told me two years ago that it was good luck to start the New Year upside down. So on New Years 2010 Scott insisted that we hang ourselves in this weird machine he had so we could each have good luck that year. Here I am on New Years Day 2010...
A month and a half later I met Steve, pretty good luck I would say! I did a head stand on New Years 2011 and then got married six months later. I am a believer. I did my annual head stand, and then Dana wanted to try. I almost broke her back trying to get her on her head, but she got a good one in and she has seemed to have pretty good luck so far this year!

I personally really love New Years. I really love having what seems like a fresh start. Last year was the first time I really kept a New Years Resolution. My resolution was to get in really good shape and loose some weight. Well a few days before we went to Utah I ran seven miles (in just over an hour, no walking!) which is way further than I ever thought I could run and I weighed myself and had lost 7 lbs in the year. 7-7! Pretty exciting.

Steve and I both decided to make resolutions for 2012. We both are trying to gossip less, get in shape, and do well in school. So far we are doing pretty well!