Thursday, June 16, 2011

License to wed

On Monday Steve and I went and got our marriage license. We spent the morning calling parents to find out birth places, making sure we had IDs, making sure we had proof of residence, just making sure we had all of the items listed on the county web site that are required to obtain a marriage license.

We then made the exciting journey to Parowan to visit the Iron County Courthouse. We got there and the lady working was a tad on the weird side. She told us they only do marriage licenses on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Turns out she was joking (not a funny joke to play on a stressed bride who is working full time, planning a wedding in one month, and planning a move across the country). Steve then said he needed to run out to get his photo ID from his car. The lady looked at him like he was crazy and said "Im not going to ask you for that". Good thing we spent the morning preparing when we really didnt need to prove anything!
After about five minutes of answering questions and $50 later... we got our marriage license.

One cool thing that we learned while calling our parents to find out the city and states they were born in (which you only need to know the state) is it turns out that my mom and Steve's mom were both born in Pocatello, ID! Pretty cool.


  1. Glad that you are one step closer to the big day. Can hardly wait to see you!

  2. Oh my gosh the worker did that to me too of saying they only do marriage licenses on certain days! Why on Earth would they think that is amusing?
