Sunday, June 12, 2011

Burning of the Bachelor

Last night was yet another wonderful night for me. When I first met Steve there was one item of concern- his bed spread. The first time I saw his bed I thought "Oh boy, this guy is such a bachelor". His entire bed was covered with zebra print. Bed skirt, bed spread, throw pillows... the works. I called him on it right away and he insisted that it looked different on line when he ordered it... sure.

As a mere girlfriend I felt I had no right to tell him to ditch the bachelor set up. After he asked me to move to Tennessee I insisted that we get rid of the bedding and that it didnt move with us to Tennessee.

So last night Steve came up with the brilliant idea that we burn the blanket. To me it felt like he was officially letting go of his bachelor ways.

 Steve saying a few words before the burning began.

It took awhile to get the fire really going


  1. I love the look on your face in the last picture, Steph! So cool. And your ring is gorgeous. :-)

  2. Great post. Burning the blanket shows real comittment.

  3. that is hilarious! Way to tame that bachelor beast!

  4. That is so hilarious. I wish you had a pic of the whole matching bed set. As Beyonce would say (in one of her lesser known songs) "baby let me upgrade you" :)
