Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Our First Married Halloween

Last year on the weekend of Halloween Steve had to go to a football game in California and Halloween was on a Sunday. I went to a Halloween party with some friends over the weekend and then on Halloween Steve came home and we spent the day watching TV. Very eventful Halloween.

Well this Halloween was worse. We did not do one Halloween thing. I went to a Witches Tea Party with Holly a couple of weeks ago and that was really fun, but it was the only Halloween thing I did. And it just breaks my heart because Halloween is one of my favorite holidays!

This year I spent the day being extremely homesick, especially for my nieces and nephews. Steve had the day off from school and we spent it lying around the house. I wanted to watch a scary movie and wait for trick or treaters. Instead we watch the dumbest movie ever and didn't have even one trick or treater. I really enjoyed spending the day with Steve but it was the lamest Halloween.

Here's to hoping someday Steve and I will have a fun Halloween together!

1 comment:

  1. This is the first year that we have had trick-or-treaters (is that a word?) We have always been in apartments, out of town, or at my parent's house.
