Monday, August 1, 2011

Sound of Tennessee

The other night my father in law was asking Steve and me if we knew what the state song, bird, etc of TN. He then asked us if we knew the state sound. The answer... the lawnmower! It is so true and it was funny because just that morning I was telling Steve that I can always hear a lawnmower. In Utah I mostly heard them on Saturday mornings. Out here it is an all day EVERYDAY noise.

I realize this is a random, boring post but I figure I might want the memory someday when our TN days are long behind us.


  1. That's funny, I can hear gun shots almost everyday (because we live near the shooting range) (oh and I live in the cowboy state)

  2. I have been trying to think what sound I hear the most when I am home. Think it is children playing!
